Having a Bible with us is like having a full pack of success in our hands. As the Bible says, “Keep this book of the law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Joshua 1:8).

On 2nd September 2021, Jesus Mission International donated Bibles to children at Amazing Grace Orphanage in Mulanje District. The aim of this was to equip the children with words from the Bible and make them strong disciples of Christ Jesus. Children that fear the Lord are always in touch with God’s way. Proverbs 22:6 saying “Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

During the donation of the Bibles, 20 children at the center received the Bibles and they were delighted. What a difference Jesus Mission made. We praise God for His goodness and His grace. He made it possible for us to meet a ‘great need’ in this center.

One of the children Hannah Machaka said the Bibles Jesus Mission has given them, will change her life completely. “I used to have bad dreams whenever I sleep but with this Bible, I will be able to know what the Bible says about me and those bad dreams will not have a place in me because these words are powerful”.
Another child concurred with what Hannah said. “ My Spiritual life will move from one level to the other. In our church, they give us a chance to minister, so because I had no bible it was hard for me to minister to the church but now I believe there will be a change”.
Jesus Mission International is doing great to change the lives of those that feel helpless and to give hope to the hopeless both spiritually and physically. We thank the Almighty God for His love forevermore. Amen.


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