Kanjedza orphanage in Chikwawa District, Nyambilo Village, Celebrates the opening of a fence built by Jesus Mission.
It was a joyful moment seeing happy and bright face of everyone sparkling with love on this day. Jesus is indeed Love. On this day, the Director for Jesus Mission Pastor Joe Kachale, officially opened the fence.
This fence was built after seeing how close the orphanage is with the main road, for the safety of the children we thought this fence will be important in a way that children will be able to move around within the premises.
On this day a representative for Jesus Mission in Malawi, Betty Morgan, presented Flowers to Salayi Kajuni one of the Traditional leaders in the community.
It was unforgettable as children sung their songs, danced, eat and some poems. The bible told us in the book of Psalms 149:5 saying “Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds”, knowing that God is still performing his great work, we had joy overflow.
Pastors and Traditional leaders were at the occasion to witness this great development.

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