As the journey of delivering items that Jesus Mission’s partners from United States of America donated is still underway, it was really amazing being in Mulanje at Amazing Grace Orphanage.
Jesus Mission Director Pastor Joe Kachale enlightened the audience “the devil prefers us to think more of our problems than God’s goodness. God cannot stop helping His children, He has carried us from afar, He has been fighting all the battles and for that He cannot stop now.” He continued saying that God will care for His children because God’s power is not limited and His goodness extends even to the sea.
Missionary Betty Morgan Newell was also present during the function and expressed her joy when presenting the items to the children. She had this to say, “It is always sad knowing we live in a broken world and we don’t find what we search for. But our assurance and confidence is that we always have trust in our Lord Jesus Christ”.
Speaking with the Director for Amazing Grace Orphanage and Secondary school, Pastor Phiri, said he was so glad to receive the donation. He quoted Matthew 25:35 which reads, “I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes, naked and you clothed me.” He said since children grow fast, inadequate clothing is one of the biggest problems they have been facing and donation has come at the right time and they are very grateful.
The community Chief was also present. In his remarks he requested Jesus Mission to continue with the support. He said there are a lot of children that need support in his community and being a chief whom people always look up to for solutions, he cannot do everything without help from well wishers such as Jesus Mission. The chief pleaded with Jesus Mission not to stop with the help they are offering to his community.
After the donations, Jesus Mission organized a luncheon with children at the orphanage. It was really awesome knowing we serve a living God who will never fail His children. Amen.