In the book of Isaiah 55:11, God said His word would not come back void. Meaning that His word will accomplish what He set it out to do. This is also depicted in Matthew 24:35, which says “and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” God’s word is forever true. When He says I will open doors for you, we expect doors to be opened. When He says I will bless you, we expect to be blessed because His words are genuine.

Conceding to this,
Jesus Mission recently was contacted on phone by a person in the United Kingdom. She had read what Jesus Mission was doing in Malawi for the orphans. She was impressed and reached out to us after she was asked by God to make a sizable donation to Jesus Mission.

Her name is Nadia and we bless God for her generosity and her goodwill.
Her donation came at the right time when we are looking for Bibles for our children in their language(Chichewa). The Bible says in Isaiah 43:19 ” See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” What a mighty God we worship, He has indeed made a way for us. As of now, these Bibles are on backorder.

We are grateful for this new partner. We find her to be faithful and resting in God and His will. Her message to the children was that God loves them and He is their Father. This was so good for our children to hear, as it was a reinforcement of our message to them daily.

We have started telling our children of our new friends in the United Kingdom. We have also told them that Jesus loves them, He remembers them and He is their Father. What a wonderful greeting!

Proverbs 11:25 GNT says, “Be generous, and you will be prosperous. Help others, and you will be helped.” For these words, we bless you and pray for God’s Hands to be with you daily. Amen!

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