Barrels and boxes of different items were received by the Jesus Mission team on 16th August 2021 in Blantyre, Malawi. The items include clothes, toys, shoes, personal care items, books, food, and educational supplies.

During this time period, several persons were hired to wash, iron, and sort the items for several orphanages. Countless hours were spent manually by the helpers preparing the items. The team of Jesus Mission was busy on a daily basis moving barrels in the warehouse, sorting the items, and preparing the distribution of the items. Many volunteers also helped with the use of washing machines and dryers to assist us. We thank Encountering Christ and Helping Others (ECHO), Apostolic Pentecost Church, KAS Freight, and many others for their help and support.

Mwayi Orphan Care (Outpouring) in Ndirande was the first to benefit from these donations. Jesus Mission on the 22nd September 2021 was at the orphanage and over 99 children received the items cheerfully.

In his words, Chief Mlanga who also received some of the items to share with children in his community thanked the donors for the gesture. He said the items that have been given to him will indeed save other children in the community. These needy children that are not at the orphanage but live in their homes will be helped.

Esnart Chafulumira the Director of the Outpouring Orphanage also claimed that keeping the children is hard when they have no toys to help in learning and also no clothes to wear. She continued saying that the number of orphans continues to increase every day in a way that some reckless parents can just leave a child outside the building, and off they go. It takes the orphanage to start raising and taking care of the abandoned kids in addition to real orphans. She encouraged Jesus Mission to continue helping them in all aspects of care.

For we know God is the provider of everything. Pastor Kachale the Director of Jesus Mission motivated the audience and kids with words of God titled “Jesus Christ our Eternal Hope.” He read Matt 6:25 and Isaiah 41:13. Preaching he said if God can dress flowers, He is more capable of dressing His children of whom He created in His image.

Lastly Jesus Mission missionary mama Betty Morgan Newell appreciated all the work that Sharon Baptist Church and her team in Malawi did to make this possible. She talked of her testimony of being a Christian since she was 17 years old, and God has always been faithful. She stated she never knew of a country called Malawi. She further stated she thought of Kenya as her mission field. Then God made it known to her through a postcard she had received in 2015, thanking her for shoeboxes she had worked on and sent to Malawi through Samaritan’s Purse. She is now in Malawi doing the work of God. Hallelujah!

James 1:27 says “Pure and undefiled religion before our Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

As Jesus Mission, we cannot stop thanking our partners and all those who donated the items. Know that someone’s life has changed because of what you gave.

Continue standing with us and God bless.

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