Do we all know what the words ā€œSpiritual Trainingā€ mean? Some we know and some we donā€™t. Let me start by defining what these words mean.
Spiritual Training is using the Bible to train yourself and others to be God-focused, close to people and to live with purpose. In other words, it is becoming the person God created you to be.
One of the important things Christians are supposed to be considering much is our relationship with God. Have we ever asked ourselves how we are with God? How does He see us and of course if He is happy with us? Just as we always make sure there is a good relationship with our friends or spouses, calling or texting them, that is the same way our relationship with God is supposed to be. If we transform our relationship with GOD, it changes everything.
Mark 8:36-37 says ā€œwhat good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for his soul?ā€ Apart from giving the orphanages the physical needs, Jesus Mission thought it wise to feed these orphanages spiritually as well. We are Jesus Mission and our main calling and work are to lead people to Christ.
We are visiting every orphanage that we are so far helping, namely: Kanjedza Orphanage in Chikwawa District, Amazing Grace Orphanage in Mulanje District, Chiswe Orphanage in Blantyre, Chigumula and Mwayi Orphanage in Blantyre Ndilande.
Jesus Mission team led by Pastor Lucious Manja is doing everything possible for the children and guardians to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. They are encouraged to read their bibles and are taught how to Pray.
We thank God for this revelation and that He continues to use us in this ministry. Amen.

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